Friends are created to love eachother, a person who you value above all is your best friend, someone whom you love, someone whom you confide, someone whom you follow his or her footsteps as prophet said: "A man follow the way of life of his friends."
In Islam, the characteristics of good friends are guided by principles of righteousness, mutual respect, and moral values. Here are some of the key characteristics of good friends as emphasized in Islam:
1. Piety and Righteousness (Taqwa): Good friends in Islam are those who fear Allah and strive to lead a righteous and upright life. They encourage each other to adhere to the teachings of Islam, perform good deeds, and avoid sinful behavior.
2. Trustworthiness and Reliability: Good friends are trustworthy and reliable, they keep their promises, honor their commitments, and maintain confidentiality. They are dependable and can be counted on in times of need.
3. Sincerity and Loyalty: Good friends in Islam are sincere and loyal, they genuinely care about each other's well-being and happiness. They are supportive and stand by each other through thick and thin, demonstrating unwavering loyalty and devotion.
4. Kindness and Compassion: Good friends show kindness and compassion towards each other, they are empathetic and sensitive to each other's feelings and needs. They offer support, comfort, and encouragement in times of difficulty and distress.
5. Honesty and Integrity: Good friends are honest and truthful in their words and actions. They do not engage in deceitful behavior or betray each other's trust. They speak the truth with kindness and sincerity, even if it may be difficult or uncomfortable.
6. Respect and Courtesy: Good friends show respect and courtesy towards each other, they value each other's opinions, beliefs, and feelings. They treat each other with kindness, consideration, and politeness, fostering a harmonious and respectful relationship.
7. Forgiveness and Understanding: Good friends are forgiving and understanding, they overlook each other's shortcomings and mistakes, and they offer forgiveness and reconciliation when conflicts arise. They communicate openly and resolve misunderstandings with patience and empathy.
8. Positive Influence: Good friends have a positive influence on each other, they inspire and motivate each other to strive for excellence, pursue their goals, and overcome challenges. They encourage personal growth, self-improvement, and spiritual development.
9. Compatibility and Shared Values: Good friends share common values, interests, and goals, they have similar outlooks on life and share meaningful experiences together. They enjoy each other's company and enrich each other's lives through shared activities and conversations.
10. Dua for Each Other: Good friends pray for each other's success, well-being, and guidance. They make sincere supplications (dua) to Allah on behalf of their friends, asking for His blessings, mercy, and protection in this life and the Hereafter.
By embodying these characteristics of good friends, Muslims cultivate strong, supportive, and enriching friendships that are grounded in faith, morality, and mutual respect. Such friendships contribute to personal growth, emotional well-being, and spiritual fulfillment, while also strengthening the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood within the Muslim community.
Which Friends Are Best In Islam?
It was inquired of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him): “O Messenger of Allah! Which associates of ours are the best?” He said: “One whose sight reminds you of Allah, whose conversation adds to your knowledge, and whose action helps you remember the Hereafter.” [The Lives of the Sahabah by Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhlawi]
When you need to socialize, turn to people with the above mentioned qualities.
“Keep yourself content with those who call their Lord morning and evening seeking His pleasure, and let not your eyes look beyond them, seeking the splendor of worldly life.” [Quran 18:28]
"A person who reminds you to fear Allah is your true companion worth more than anything and everything this world can possibly offer."
All praise is due to Allah we ask Him to bless the Prophet Sallah Llah Alei Wasalam and the companions and let's die on the path of Qur'an and Sunnah.